ALT BEARINGS idea started from the analysis of customer needs that could not be met with available products, and issues that remained open. ALT BEARINGS wanted to solve this gap and offer new products and solutions that combine simplicity, reliability, safety, performance and extensive flexibility. We strongly believe that the customer satisfaction is the vocation of a successful company. That is why our internal process is defined so that customer specifications are met without compromise, solutions are offered quickly and products are delivered with the shortest lead time and at the best price.
ALT BEARINGS is a global company with offices on 4 continents so that support can be given very close to customers. ALT BEARINGS is a young and very dynamic company which willingly strives to develop breakthrough technologies and go beyond current limitations. Our team is composed of people originated from the different regions of the world to react quickly, understand accurately and give the best possible support. Our strength relies on a melting pot team which empowers us every day as human beings with different and complementary skills, knowledges, geniuses and cultures. We deeply entrust each other, strongly believe in connections between people. Our teammates fully aim at creating the best professional environment at work and more than the best commercial relations with our customers.
New products, New business approach, New team to drive a New revolution in the Mechanical World!
We innovate and develop solutions not only beyond our customers’ expectations but also eco-compatible. The respect to the environment and energy savings are very important to us. Then these core values inspired our symbols and colours. The Herringbone Roller Bearing (HRB) is the unique alternative to traditional bearings. HRBs are recognized as the best bearings ever when it comes to high-capacities, longer life, reliability, performance, safety and energy saving.

We are based in USA, Canada, Mexico, Ghana, France, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, United Kingdom, India, China, Korea, and Japan.